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 BVR Engagements (26th May)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vosene Posted - 23 May 2019 : 06:56:07
For Sunday 26th May we’re going to continue practicing BVR engagements as a Flight/Package.

In particular we’ll focus on the stages of a BVR engagement, responsibilities of Lead and Wingmen, Flight and Package tactics and respecting the Minimum Abort Range (MAR).

Reference Links:

BMS -34 pages 163-170.

BMS Training Manual CAP Mission, pages 165-173. Additional info pages 174-177.

Useful background info.

Pages 22-25 of this document.

Theatre will be default KTO.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Noodle Posted - 28 May 2019 : 10:48:06
The bottom half of my MFDs is classified =D

I do have them on another display.
Griffin Posted - 28 May 2019 : 10:07:32
Nice vid Noodle. How come we don't see what you're doing with the mfds? We just see the top half of them. Do oyu have them extracted to another monitor?
Vosene Posted - 28 May 2019 : 09:20:23
Noodle thanks for uploading, great video.

Yes Griffin, no lag or blue screen issues. Updated net code in 4.34 is much better. People with ADSL can fly BMS again!

Noodle Posted - 28 May 2019 : 07:51:59
Link to the video:
Griffin Posted - 27 May 2019 : 14:01:12
And notably there were no signs of lag or blue writing on the screen throughout the mission.
Vosene Posted - 26 May 2019 : 23:03:48
Falcon11 Vosene 2 A2A 0 A2G RTB
Falcon12 Griffin 1 A2A 0 A2G RTB
Falcon13 Noodle 1 A2A 0 A2G RTB
Falcon14 Echion 0 A2A 0 A2G RTB

Mission Success


4-ship 45 minute CAP North of DMZ with AWACS and tanker support. Prevent any enemy aircraft crossing the border. CAP orientation N-S.


Box formation, wingmen in Combat Spread. 20nm between elements. Clockwise CAP. On station for 45 min.


No issues with departure. Setup on CAP as fragged. #1 picked up contact to NE that then faded. Debrief confirm it was a 2-ship MiG-21. It never got within 50nm. Flew back towards home plate.

Continued on CAP. Picked up jamming contacts low to NE. Continued to monitor while pushing CAP point forward by 20nm. 2nd element hot confirmed 4-ship MiG-23 group had turned hot and was engaged with first element supporting. #3 splashed a bandit with a Slammer before turning cold. First element monitoried remaining MiGs who continued cold and landed.

Moving back to CAP position first element turned hot and picked up a 4-ship MiG-29A 30nm to NW. #1 immediately committed #1 and #2 to engage and #3 and #4 engaged from NE in a pincer movement. This resulted in 2 of the MiGs being splashed before #1 then killed a third MiG. Final MiG ran and was monitored by the CAP until it disappeared to the NW.

At this time #1 lost comms and #2 took lead with a successful recovery onto Chongwon 34R.


1. AWACS not available despite being airborne and on ELINT task. Need to investigate why.

2. Enemy aircraft disappearing in Tacview replay. Need to investigate why.

3. Recommend using hook turns to maintain formation when making turns on CAP in combat spread.

4. Hostile AI aircraft not engaging. Need to investigate why.

5. Some issues with recovery comms. UHF seems to be stuck on transmit when calling ATC from menus. Need to investigate.

Overall a great mission with excellent SA and great coordination between the elements. Thanks for flying everyone.

Vosene Posted - 26 May 2019 : 13:28:40
Leave the frequencies as the 4.34 defaults. I’m going to update the install guide for 4.34 shortly.

Echion Posted - 26 May 2019 : 12:02:32
I have changed all the corresponding files in the config folder except the "frequencies" ones.
Got me a bit confused as the freqs are different from 4.33.
Do I leave them as they are?

Vosene Posted - 26 May 2019 : 00:35:34
We are going to have everyone connected P2P for the Sunday flight. Please check your BMS config file for the following line:

set g_bClientServerConnection 1

If it is set to 1 please change it to 0

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