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 BfS Mission 1 (1st September)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vosene Posted - 02 Sep 2019 : 07:53:59
Escort - Vosene & Reds
DEAD - Noddle & Sandstorm

Agreed to fly a Battle for Sinai PVP campaign mission.

Unfortunately Mango still couldn’t hear us in TS so declared a Tech.

Plan was a two-ship Escort and a two-ship DEAD against an SA-2 or 3 site near the border due to the Shrike having limited range. SA-5 was discounted due to the Shrike range.

After getting in the pit Reds had issues so Escort flight aborted. Then Sandstorm had Blue text freezing issues so DEAD flight also aborted and a Tech was declared. We’ll do more Falcon Online BfS flying this week to test the server for issues.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vosene Posted - 02 Sep 2019 : 18:52:32
Several people raising server crash issues on the FO forums.

Noodle Posted - 02 Sep 2019 : 14:44:44
FYI, I stayed on the server for 2 more sorties and the server crashed 2 times within 3hours.
Had blue text on several occasions too.

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