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 VG CAS Mission (15th September)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Griffin Posted - 15 Sep 2019 : 22:40:14
Due to not enough numbers for the planned mission, we set up a mission on the VG server.

Flight Role: CAS
Falcon21: "Griffin" AA=0 AG=10 RTB
Falcon22: "Noodle" AA=0 AG=3 RTB
Falcon 23 - Guest
Falcon24: "Sandstorm" AA=0 AG=0 RTB


Took off ahead of the SEAD, planning issue in prep caused that. My bad.

Took off and No4 had issue and had to reconnect. We slowed to allow Gamble 2 to overtake and take the SEAD Escort role.

Went to NE of furthest SP to turn in for attacks on targets of opportunity. Plenty to choose from. We went in on a wagon wheel, the idea to drop 6 Mk-82s per pass (two passes). Pleasing explosions and fires seen.

Our guest on VG server was shot down by AAA.

No4 was short of fuel so I advised Gamble that we were RTB.

All landed safely with No4 having 1400 lbs of fuel left.

Debrief screen did not record any kills but the ACMI showed the above results.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Reds Posted - 20 Sep 2019 : 17:56:28
My bad on the Joker call . After having issues with the NWS I completely forget to set it in the Jet , lesson learned .
Vosene Posted - 16 Sep 2019 : 06:58:25
Flight Role: SEAD Escort
Gamble21: "Vosene" AA=0 AG=0 RTB
Gamble22: "Reds" AA=0 AG=0 RTB


Took off behind CAS so accelerated to overtake.

Some unguided AAA during ingress, passed to Strike flight. Only search radars around target area. Fired HARMS but no enemy units destroyed. #2 hit a friendly radar unit, need to watch this when firing in HAS mode.

As CAS started to RTB the Escort went to engage a MiG-19 but then #2 called he was down to 3,500 lbs fuels, 2,000 lbs below Joker. Reminder to set and call Joker and Bingo.

#2 couldn’t get his jet over 200 knots, everything looked okay in a BD check but due to predicted low-fuel state at Home plate the flight diverted to Kimpo and did an emergency landing.

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