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 4.36 KTO Rolling Fire 12 (24th July)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Griffin Posted - 22 Jul 2022 : 16:03:43
Following your highly successful OCA strikes to take out Taetan and Haeju air bases, command wants ports in that area targeted.

Two specific bases will be your focus. Pupo-ri and Sagon-ni naval bases have been supporting military craft. It has been reported that two OSA II patrol craft are docked at each base and they are your primary targets.

Should the docks be empty and the boats are not in the area, then other targets of opportunity at the naval bases should be struck instead.

Fig. 1 - Package Flight Path.

Air threats are still an issue despite shutting down the aforementioned air bases. The squadrons of MiG-29As are still active in the north and are sending CAPs into the area off the coast near to the naval bases. MiG-23s were seen recently, coming from a base on the far north east.

Fig. 2 - Target Area with CAP Threats.

The package consists of two flights, totalling eight aircraft; details below.

Fig. 3 - Package 3290 TASMO Details.

Fig. 4 - OSA II Details.

The OSA II is armed with SA-N-2 Styx anti-ship missiles and AAA guns. There are no SAM's on board these boats.

Mission Success Criteria
Package success will be awarded for destroying all enemy shipping found with only one loss from air/radar SAM threats. A partial shall be awarded if only two ships are destroyed, again with a max of one loss to air/radar SAM threats.

Good hunting.

Flight Leads in this Sunday's official mission, "4.36 KTO Rolling Fire 12" are requested to post a debrief of their flight's actions, including any lessons learned or that should be learned by others.

Please put the following information at the top of your post:

Flight Role: (SEAD, ESCORT, STRIKE, Etc..)
Callsign11: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign12: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign13: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign14: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Noodle Posted - 30 Jul 2022 : 08:12:02
Flight Role: Escort
PANTHER61: Noodle AA=0 AG=0 RTB
PANTHER62: Jules AA=0 AG=0 RTB


No issues on ingress with #1 and #2 ahead, #3 with the strikers.
Mig-29s starting to show up from the NE as strikers were egressing.
No direct threat but we had to keep them away. Most of them were merged with friendlies.
Last Mig-29 engagement resulted in blue on blue, #1 fox3 and even though missile went pitbull on the bandit it still managed to shift its attention to an F-16 nearby.
Check 01:01:30: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1541599624

RTB with OHB, #2 a bit loose so #3 landed before him. #1 had a nose wheel collapse, or it was simply not down. I don't remember checking if I had 3 greens, and can't see it in the stream either.
Pegasus Posted - 25 Jul 2022 : 17:49:47
Flight Role: TASMO
Mako41: Pegasus AA=0 AG=1 KIA?
Mako42: Gekko AA=0 AG=2 RTB
Mako43: Griffin AA=0 AG=1 RTB


Overall less than 50% effectiveness with the Mav-Gs on the OSA-II targets. Of the 6 we were carrying, only 3 scored hits, and of those 3, only one effected a kill.

Guns cleaned up what the Mav's missed and all 4 OSA-IIs were destroyed.

Uneventful RTB apart from some Mig-29 spikes from the north which were dealt with by the escort.

Pegasus lost nose wheel apparently randomly when 1nm short of touchdown, and blew up while trying to vacate the runway for escort flight to land.


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