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 4.36.3 KTO Rolling Fire 20 (16th October)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Noodle Posted - 14 Oct 2022 : 18:01:43
Objective: Destroy as many enemy aircraft as possible.

Plan: Have PANTHER1 sweep and drag enemy aircrafts towards both BARCAPs (CYBORG5 and BULLDOG5).
PANTHER1 to reset for delouse and deal with any leakers.
CYBORG5 and BULLDOG5 to complete 30mins BARCAP.

Mission Success Criteria
Package success will be the completion of a 30mins CAP with one loss to the package. A partial will be the completion of a 30mins CAP with up to three losses to the package.

Good hunting.

Flight Leads in this Sunday's official mission, "4.36.3 KTO Rolling Fire 20" are requested to post a debrief of their flight's actions, including any lessons learned or that should be learned by others.

Please put the following information at the top of your post:

Flight Role: (SEAD, ESCORT, STRIKE, Etc..)
Callsign11: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign12: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign13: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign14: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Noodle Posted - 19 Oct 2022 : 18:20:57
Flight Role: BARCAP
CYBORG51: "Noodle" AA=2 AG=0 RTB
CYBORG52: "Griffin" AA=0 AG=0 EJT
CYBORG53: "Pegasus" AA=1 AG=0 EJT
CYBORG54: "Gekko" AA=0 AG=0 RTB

Plan was to hold station and provide flanking firepower to PANTHER1, when dragging threats back.

We got on station and picked up J-15s coming from the W. It was engaged by friendly and finished off by the Patriots.
PANTHER1 pushing, we pushed our CAP further N. When some J-15s finally took the bait, our first element ended up too close to support PANTHER1. And due to tech issues, #4 rejoined at this point and #3 was trying to brief him while #1 was handing over targets. This ended with the 2nd element also unable to support.
First element turned back hot ASAP, shot down a J-15, and damaged another one.

Another group of J-15 showed up E, 2nd element investigated too far (threat was engaged by friendlies and cold) so we called back to rejoin. Meanwhile, 1st element and PANTHER1 were dealing with 2 new groups N.
During the following engagement, a J-15 and #3 both fox-3 at each other (16NM, #3 going on the notch). While the J-15 went cold and dragged the slammer, the PL-12 (possibly maddog shot) went straight for 1st element (30NM, hot). #1 saw the "M" in the RWR, but remained hot (in retrospect, I should've had us go defensive) thinking this would be either for #3, or friendly, or a ghost. But now, knowing how the fox-3 have changed, I think we should all go defensive in this case.
#1 got lucky as the PL-12 went straight for #2.

We continued to engage threats coming from the N and eventually #3 got shot down, not noticing the "M".
Package down to 3 ships and #4 low on fuel, we aborted and headed to the alternate.


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