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 4.36.3 KTO Rolling Fire 22 (6th November)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Griffin Posted - 31 Oct 2022 : 15:39:00
The enemy has decided to take advantage of the darkness to move a large number of units along the de-militarised zone to the east. There is a concern that they are massing for either a flanking manoeuvre or an attack down the eastern coast.

You are tasked to be the first group to hit enemy ground targets and hamper the progress of these ground units. Other friendly flights will be following you in, so don't loiter.

Fig. 1 - Flight plan for Package and strike zone

Bulldog 2 and Jaguar 6 are tasked to hit the numerous groups of mechanised columns moving east in the area.

Bulldog are to focus on the east of the kill box while Jaguar S&D in the west. The majority of the force appears to be in the eastern section of the kill box. Jaguar should be prepared to abandon their sector and assist Bulldog in attritting the eastern targets. This is at flight leads discretion.

Fig. 2 - Flight briefing for Package 2381

Mission Success Criteria
Package success will be the delivery of all munitions and an average of four kills per aircraft per flight. A partial will be an average of three kills per aircraft per flight. Losses to ground threats will result in a mission failure for that flight.

Good hunting.

Flight Leads in this Sunday's official mission, "4.36.3 KTO Rolling Fire 22" are requested to post a debrief of their flight's actions, including any lessons learned or that should be learned by others.

Please put the following information at the top of your post:

Flight Role: (SEAD, ESCORT, STRIKE, Etc..)
Callsign11: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign12: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign13: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign14: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT


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