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 4.37.1 Balance of Power 05 (12th February)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Griffin Posted - 06 Feb 2023 : 17:05:38
Our ground forces are making good progress down the western edge of the FLOT, thanks in no small part to your efforts in disabling the bordering air bases.

This has enabled the 185th to safely relocate closer to the FLOT at Pula AB.

Your next task is to destroy the runway and facilities at Kestela air base. However this will be no easy ride.

Fig. 1 - Flight Plan for Package

Besides the usual array of AAA and lower threat SAMs, the defences at and around Kestela include SA-6 battalions. Air threats will be minimal as the airbase only has MiG-21Mbis fighters. The higher threat MiG-29As are being kept busy further north and west and should not pose a threat.

Fig. 2 - SAM/AAA Threats Over and Around the Target

Your task is to destroy runway 05/23 at Kastela AB. There are clear defensive threat that will need to be silenced in order for this to be safely achieved, not least of which is the silencing of the SA-2 and SA-6 battalions protecting the base. All redundant PPTs have been removed from your data cartridges.

The reconnaissance photo below shows the single runway that is lying on the coast with some mountain cover to the north/north east.

Fig. 3 - Kastela Air Base

Details of your mission and the flights in the package are shown below. (Viper 2 is for the host if not flying.)

Fig. 4 - Briefing Summary for Package 844

While Bulldog 7 has been fragged as an AI flight, they have been loaded with HTS, with two of the flight carrying AGM-88 anti-radiation missiles.

Hawkeye 2 is loaded with 2 x GBU-31AP bombs for the runway attack.

Weapon load outs are not fixed and can be changed at Package/Flight Leads discretion.

Mission Success Criteria
Package success will be the destruction of Kastela AB runway 05/23, the SA-6 Straight Flush at the target and four SAM launch vehicles and no losses to air threats.

Partial Success shall be the Destruction of Kastela AB runway 05/23.

Good Hunting.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pegasus Posted - 14 Feb 2023 : 11:58:11
Flight Role: SEAD Escort
Bulldog71: Pegasus AA=3 AG=10 RTB
Bulldog72: Mango AA=0 AG=1 RTB
Bulldog73: Vosene AA=3 AG=0 RTB
Bulldog74: Griffin AA=1 AG=0 KIA


This was a very eventful mission where, overall, we bit off more than we could chew, and we should have focused on the primary threat, the fighters launching.

On ingress, Mango, carrying the only 2 HARMs in the flight picked up the Flat Face, and once that was PGM1 sent a HARM that way but it failed to destroy the target despite an apparent hit (ACMI). The SA-6 battalion was not a factor in the end as it had moved north and west giving us more room to operate around the target airbase.

I picked up a pair of hostiles hot on our ingress route from the target, and with the 2nd element being 10nm trail, and Mango focusing on the Flat Face / SA-6 I took a shot at both, destroying one and just damaging the other which began limping home.

Vosene reported that the 2nd target was not destroyed but was not in a position to assist with the SA-6 proximity. I had a better angle and finished it off with my 3rd and last AMRAAM.

2nd element now picked up Mig-21s launching from our target airbase. One of these turned hot and was shot down by Griffin with an AMRAAM while the other was still cold. Vosene had taken separation from Griffin to offer mutual support and now picked up a lone G-4 orbiting the target airbase, and dispatched that with an AMRAAM. Meanwhile Pegasus destroyed some SA-6 launchers with a GBU-54.

Griffin, now hot to the target supporting Vosene, picked up another lone G-4 and got rid of it with an AMRAAM. At this time, another 2 pairs of Mig-21s were preparing to launch from our target airbase.

Pegasus destroyed another SA-6 launcher, and a Fire Can with another pair of GBU-54s, which quitened the AAA defending the target airbase.

The first pair of Mig-21s now took off and Griffin picked them up very quickly, and at just 6nm range. Griffin positioned himself nicely behind one of them, but his AIM-9X did not track after leaving the rail. In clouds now, Griffin lost track of the Mig-21 and ended up right in front of it and took 2 short range heaters and could not eject. Vosene had spotted this and quickly engaged and shot down that Mig-21 with his own AIM-9X.

Pegasus took out 3 more AAA guns with his last GBU-54. Mango was being engaged by the other Mig-21 that had scrambled and evaded a heater. That same Mig-21 shortly later took a heater shot at Vosene and Vosene bugged out requesting delouse. Pegasus was visual with Vosene and the Mig-21 which was no longer pursuing him. Pegasus engaged this Mig-21, lost it briefly when descending through clouds but then reacquired at close range and shot it down with an AIM-9X.

Hawkeye2 were now called in with a warning that there were more bandits preparing to launch. Vosene was bingo fuel and sent home, on the way he spotted a pair of An-2s, one of which was dispatched with an AMRAAM but the other AMRAAM missed.

Pegasus and Mango lingered over the airbase keeping a close eye out for any bandits taking off, but strike arrived and destroyed the runway before that could happen.

With Mango now Bingo, and Pegasus Winchester, the flight was now RTB.

In summary, with this flight being a mix of SEAD. Escort and AI, there was a lot going on. With Pegasus and Mango distracted by targetting AAA and SAMs, this left just Vosene and Griffin on A-A duty. When fighters were spotted launching (or preparing to launch), the A-G part of this flight should have been abandoned or maybe just paused to deal with the threat.

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