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 Sunday Mission Synopsis - PUBLIC KTO Bear Trap 22 (28th April 2024)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gekko Posted - 28 Apr 2024 : 01:10:04
BT22 Mission

After successful attack on short range air defence systems around Saram and Pusam the HQ decided to continue the attacks and further destroying SHORAD battalions and short range SAMs attached to enemy ground armoured forces. Red HQ battalions with considerable short range SAM weapons also spotted in the area. AAA battalions have caused damages to our aircrafts, therefore they are primery targets this time too.
There are 2 target boxes, close to Saram town. In the Northern TB we spotted a strong HQ battalion, which needs to be destroyed, or at least deprived of SAMs (SA-8).
The Southern box contains AAA battalions, SHORADs and SA-9 missile launchers attached to armoured units.
Alternative targets are the armoured units in both TBs.

Package 2094
BEAST3 AI 4xF16 CM50


MS - min 10 red ground units killed and no losses to enemy fire
PS - min 4 red ground units killed and max 1 loss to enemy fire

Doc attached contains info about threats and PPTs

Sign up:


Flight Leads in this Sunday's official mission, "Bear Trap 21" are requested to post a debrief of their flight's actions, including any lessons learned or that should be learned by others.

Please put the following information at the top of your post:

Flight Role: (SEAD, ESCORT, STRIKE, Etc..)
Callsign11: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign12: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign13: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT
Callsign14: "Pilot's name" AA=X AG=X RTB,MIA/KIA,EJT


Download Attachment: BT22.doc
30.62 KB

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Griffin Posted - 28 Apr 2024 : 21:46:34
Flight Role: AI
Beast31: "Griffin" AA=0 AG=9 RTB
Beast32: "Pegasus" AA=0 AG=5 RTB
Beast33: "Mango" AA=0 AG=5 RTB


With the skies clear of enemy aircraft, we had an uneventful flight to the target.

On approach, 3 was sent to the south end of our kill box to search for the SA-8 while I headed to the north end to search for the SA-9. No2 went to take over from 3 in searching for the SA-8s. It later emerged that they had actually moved south out of our kill box and into that of Jaguar 1.

While I dropped my bombs on a column, 3 did the same but at his southern steerpoint. As 2 came north I found the SA-9s north of the column I had targeted and directed him onto them. Mango destroyed the battalion completely before dropping his remaining bomb on my targeted column.

Once Dakota and with no air threats to cover Jaguar from, I reported the same to Jaguar11 before heading home for an overhead break and landing.

A good job done by the flight and good SA and comms. Nice job fellas.

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