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 Sunday Mission Synopsis - PUBLIC KTO Iron Fortress 14 (25th August 2024)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pegasus Posted - 09 Sep 2024 : 16:54:59
Mission Iron Fortress 14

We had only three pilots this week, so a simple mission was fragged. Aim is to take out the SA-15s (HQ battalion) on the west coast of south Korea. A secondary target was another HQ battalion possibly containing SA-15s south of Seoul.

MUSTANG1 - AI 3x F-16CM-40

MS - HQ battalion completely destroyed. Max 1 loss.
PS - All SA-15 launchers in the western HQ battalion destroyed. Max 1 loss.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pegasus Posted - 09 Sep 2024 : 17:01:14
Flight Role: AI
Mustang11: Pegasus AA=0 AG=7 RTB
Mustang12: Mango AA=0 AG=5 RTB
Mustang13: Vosene AA=0 AG=16 RTB

Given the short flight, we took 4x GBU-54, 4x GBU-12 each, and only a centreline fuel tank.

Ingress was uneventful. 1 and 2 went heads down while 3 stayed heads up. 1 picked up both SA-15s and took out both in the first pass.

3 got nails from Mig-29s to the NW and called 1 in for support. 2 continued heads down, but for a bit too long and got lucky evading an R-77. 1 fired on a pair of Mig-29S which performed a split attack.

This pattern continued like this. One of us heads down engaging the ground units while the other 2 kept the Mig-29s at bay.

Things would have been a lot worse if the Mig-29s had been a bit bolder because there were a lot of them.

Fuel situation meant that 1 and 2 needed to RTB early, while 3 moved to the eastern target and did further damage there.

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