on 22 December 2024
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pegasus Posted - 01 Dec 2024 : 20:54:30
As there were only 3 of us, and none of us fancied hosting, we jumped on to VG.

Flight Role: AI
Jaguar41: Pegasus AA=1 AG=4 RTB
Jaguar42: Bayonet AA=0 AG=2 RTB
Jaguar43: Fisty AA=0 AG=8 RTB

KTO Rolling Fire Campaign was running on day2. Blue forces were just starting to reach the red side of the DMZ in central Korea. Plenty of blue and red ground forces in the area.

We took GBU54s.

Two groups of bandits were detected about 40nm beyond our target area. Pegasus got all 4 bombs away on first run then climbed for air cover. Bayonet continued AG and Fisty broke off to support Pegasus.

Pegasus and Fisty both got slammers off on the by now singleton SU35 with Pegasus getting the kill. Fisty returned AG with Bayonet, and then setup a CAP until Bayonet finished AG.

Straight in approach for landing in the dark.

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