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 185th is 21 in 2020

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Griffin Posted - 17 Jan 2020 : 09:29:07
I don't know the exact date on which the 185th was formed, but this year we are 21 years old. Wow!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Reds Posted - 30 Mar 2020 : 17:58:09
Cool , didnt know that pic existed .

Proud of that bomb spacing

Griffin Posted - 30 Mar 2020 : 15:03:01
I think so.
Vosene Posted - 30 Mar 2020 : 14:48:14
Look at that bomb spacing straight down the runway!

A blast from the past. Is that AF from that time period?

Griffin Posted - 30 Mar 2020 : 13:20:43
Here's a pic of you from Feb 2007.

Reds Posted - 29 Mar 2020 : 22:17:22
Ahh yes Pointer .

I still remember my first flight with you two online , I thought it was epic !

Griffin Posted - 29 Mar 2020 : 18:44:23
That'll be Pointer, Reds.
Reds Posted - 29 Mar 2020 : 00:13:51
I think I was 23 when I first flew with the 185th with Griffin and I want to say Pinhead but I cant remember fully . I also used to fly with PJC alot in training and Sabre of course . Became a full member in 2006 and here I am at 40 .

Where does the time go .

Up the 185th !

Sabre Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 20:30:40
ahh... but before the 185th, there was the European squadron and before that Ghost squadron, if my memory serves me right. Back in the day when we played online with 28K modems

No fences were harmed during this sortie.
Pegasus Posted - 01 Mar 2020 : 18:05:27
Congratulations 185th.

This is only partly to show that I am actually reading the membership docs, but ... from the Membership Manual ...

The 185th Virtual Fighter Squadron (VFS) was officially
launched on 3rd July 1999,
wolfman Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 21:28:41
21 years old game platform!!! I am proud to bea part of it. Look forward to further 20 years. //wolfman
Fisty Posted - 25 Jan 2020 : 11:18:57
Happy Birthday 185th!!! Here's to another 20!

The 4 things a wingman is allowed to say:

2.Lead, you're on fire.
3.I'm bingo fuel.
4.I'll take the fat one.... :/
Tracer Posted - 20 Jan 2020 : 00:13:17
Tnx Griffin Yes all good here in Sweden and with us !!
Tracer out !

Griffin Posted - 19 Jan 2020 : 16:33:14
Good to hear from you Tracer. I hope you're keeping well.
Tracer Posted - 19 Jan 2020 : 15:24:47
Hi guys Tracer former CO 185th,first of all its AMAZING that 185th cellebrate 21 years!
would at the same time wish you all a happy new year and a prosperuos 2020!I feel proud to have been part of this community !
Brgds Tracer

Noodle Posted - 19 Jan 2020 : 08:08:07
Amazing to think that I was 11yo when the 185th was formed
I was probably messing around with USNF 97 at that time (I discovered that "A" was auto-pilot and I would "fake land" the F-14 on a carrier with mouse & keyboard. That drove my older brother crazy and he still doesn't know to this day )

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