CPL Awards for March FLIGHT OF THE MONTH 1ST Black with 1378 2nd Green with 1242 3rd Blue with 1115
Flight Lead of the Month (Total Points) is awarded to Floyd with a score of 157 points, closely followed by Ironman with 156.
Flight Lead of the Month (Ave Points) is awarded to Veiland with an average score of 55 points.
Pilot of the Month (Total Points) is awarded to Fisty with a score of 123 points with Mango in close second with 121.
Pilot of the Month (Ave Points) is awarded to Zohrs with an average score of 43 points.
Ace of Base is awarded to Mango and Zohrs with 2 AA kills each.
Master Mud Pounder is awarded to Floyd with an impressive score of 19 AG kills.
Survivor of the Month over the three missions is awarded to both Floyd, Ironman, Fisty and finally Mango with all pilots surviving all their missions flown in March.
Congratulations to Black flight on their success this month.
Well done to all of the winners, especially Zohrs who wins two awards having only just joined the Sqn proper. I'm expecting a come back from Blue next month.